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à la recherche sur le cancer

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The aim of the ERA-NET TRANSCAN 3 network is to promote a transnational collaborative approach between scientific teams in demanding areas of translational cancer research.

In 2024, the European partners launch a third Joint Transnational Call for Proposals (JTC 2024) that focuses on:

"Combination therapies against cancer:  new opportunities for translational research"

The expected outcome of the call is to identify new and fast strategies to assay for individualized combination therapies that may help in the clinic to overcome tumour resistance and improve clinical outcomes avoiding undesired side effects.

In the context of translational cancer research, this call for proposals comprises three specific aims:

  1. Development of new tumour derived models to test new drug combination therapies.
  2. Design and development of high-throughput drug combination screening platforms to test new combination therapies.
  3. Use of immunotherapy and radiotherapy combinations strategies to overcome drug resistance.


Planned launch of the call: April 26, 2024

Submission deadline for pre-proposals: July 2024

Submission deadline for full proposals: November 2024

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For more information about TRANSCAN-3 partnership :


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Pour en savoir plus sur les avancées de la recherche sur le cancer.