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Appel à projets

Recruiting international leaders in oncology 2024

By offering a significant support, the call for proposal "Recruiting international leaders in Oncology" wishes to allow the implantation in France of new scientific leader that will establish his/her team and carry out ambitious research in oncology.

To heighten France's competitiveness and extend its international reach in the field of cancerology, it is essential that the skills already present in the country be strengthened and enriched through programmes that welcome top-tier researchers and help them to establish their teams in France. The call for proposal "Recruiting international leaders in Oncology" will allow to bring a high-level researcher from abroad to set-up a research team in a French structure, and to implement a high quality innovative research project in 2024.

Projects must be in line with the ARC Fondation's scientific strategy for accelerating discoveries, developing new treatments, preventive and therapeutic approaches in the field of oncology.


Opening of the call

October 2023

Dead Line for applications

February 15th 2024

Maximum amount

Up to 1 500 000 € / 5 years


The "Recruiting International Leaders in Oncology" CFP is aimed to French research structures located within France, composed of internationally renowned teams offering the critical mass necessary to this programme’s ambition and who wish to develop a new research programme in the field of oncology.

It is expected that the host structures make substantial commitments to guarantee the team and research project the best hosting conditions.

The "Recruiting International Leaders in Oncology" CFP targets are top-tier researchers recognised for their scientific career and world-class quality, their ability to establish and manage their own team and to conduct their research project independently.

  • Candidates must have defended their Doctoral thesis (PhD) for more than 10 years and up to 25 years at the expected decision by the Board of Directors of the Fondation ARC (June 2024);
  • The candidates chosen by the research structure must hold a position in a research structure abroad at the time of the opening of the call (October 2023);


Opening of the call: October 2023

Deadline for applications: February 15th 2024

Applicant auditions: April/May 2024

Notification of the results: June 2024


For any questions and in order to request the application file, please contact us :

by email:

Par téléphone : 0145595866

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Pour en savoir plus sur les avancées de la recherche sur le cancer.